Annalise celebrated her 5th birthday this summer and started kindergarten in September. She, our drama queen still, has had quite an adjustment with all-day school. She’s exhausted! But her teacher swears she’s a joy at school and excelling in every area. Annalise decided she’d like to try ballet and tap and even though she fights me tooth and nail every Monday night going- she loves dancing.

Alex is nearing her 7th birthday, and reminds us often. She is doing super in first grade and can pretty much read anything she picks up now. Alex played soccer again this fall and can’t wait for the snow to melt to get back to it. But all she wants for Christmas this year is her two (actually4) front teeth!
Caine is recruiting his heart out. At least he spends a lot of time away from home, so I assume that’s what he’s doing. It’s not glamorous, but we’re home and we’re making a living.
I have done tons this year. In addition to moving our household overseas and setting up housekeeping in yet another duty station, I started running pretty seriously this year. I ran my first ½ marathon the weekend after I turned 30! I also started a full time position as a school nurse this fall. Carrie, a girlfriend from Okinawa, and I met up in Vegas for a girls weekend right before Thanksgiving. For once, I have had something of my own to share!
As you may notice in our lovely family photo, the family gathered at our new house to celebrate our first Christmas together in over 3 years! We are missing Caine's sister, Alea, but are hoping she will join us this weekend. We hope that your holiday is full and happy as ours is turning out to be!
MIss you tons! Glad to see your enjoying yourselves with family nearby! And don't forget to call when Vegas happens next year! 95 more days baby!!! Get me outta here!!!!
Hey girlie! Sounds like you guys are doing awesome! Next time you go to Vegas, take me! Love you bunches. Give yourself and the girls a hug from me. Happy Holidays!
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